Steps Process Demos

Step 1 Step 1
Step 2 Step 2
Step 3 Step 3
Step 4 Step 4
Step 5 Step 5

Step 1

New and Returning Patients click Schedule Now

Step 2

The whole scheduling process takes less than 30 seconds!

Step 3

Update your medical history any time you’d like prior to your visit

Step 4

Receive a text and email with a link to begin your visit

Step 5

Meet with a Provider who truly hears your concerns and develops a personalized solution just for you

Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5

Step 1

New and Returning Patients click Schedule Now

Step 1

Step 2

The whole scheduling process takes less than 30 seconds!

Step 2

Step 3

Update your medical history any time you’d like prior to your visit

Step 3

Step 4

Receive a text and email with a link to begin your visit

Step 4

Step 5

Meet with a Provider who truly hears your concerns and develops a personalized solution just for you

Step 5
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New and Returning Patients click

Schedule Now


The whole scheduling process takes less than 30 seconds!


Update your medical history any time you'd live prior to your visit


Receive a text and email with a link to begin your visit


Meet with a Provider who truly hears your concerns and develops a personalized solution just for you

  • 1New and Returning Patients click Schedule Now

  • 2The whole scheduling process takes less than 30 seconds!

  • 3Update your medical history any time you'd live prior to your visit

  • 4Receive a text and email with a link to begin your visit

  • 5Meet with a Provider who truly hears your concerns and develops a personalized solution just for you

[cool-process category="all" type="with-image" show-posts="3" autoplay="true" content="summary" content-length="" read-more-button="yes" read-more-text="" animation="yes"]


New and Returning Patients click Schedule Now


The whole scheduling process takes less than 30 seconds!

After answering three simple questions, Kiwi recognizes Emily as a previous
patient and loads her information automatically.
(If this were Emily’s first time here , she would take 5 minutes to fill out her basic information just like any new patient at a doctor’s office, which she can fill out at her convenience any time before her scheduled visit.)


Update your medical history any time you'd live prior to your visit


Receive a text and email with a link to begin your visit


Meet with a Provider who truly hears your concerns and develops a personalized solution just for you